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The Hunt in Full Cry by John Emms | Fine Art Print
Spider, Portrait of a Scottish Terrier by John Emms | Fine Art Print
The Bitchpack of the Meath, Foxhounds by John Emms | Fine Art Print
Rufus and Foxy by John Emms | Fine Art Print
Mallow by John Emms | Fine Art Print
Hounds at Rest II by John Emms | Fine Art Print
Hounds at Rest by John Emms | Fine Art Print
Hounds and a Terrier in a Kennel by John Emms | Fine Art Print
Clumber Spaniels with the Day's Bag by John Emms | Fine Art Print
After the Hunt by John Emms | Fine Art Print
A Terrier by a Kennel by John Emms | Fine Art Print
A Highland Breakfast by John Emms | Fine Art Print