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Woman Sitting with a Child in Her Arms by Mary Cassatt | Fine Art Print
Woman with a Pearl Necklace in a Loge by Mary Cassatt | Fine Art Print
Under the Horse Chestnut Tree, No. 1 by Mary Cassatt | Fine Art Print
The Visitor by Mary Cassatt | Fine Art Print
Under the Horse Chestnut Tree, No. 2 by Mary Cassatt | Fine Art Print
In the Loge, 1882 by Mary Cassatt | Fine Art Print
The Letter by Mary Cassatt | Fine Art Print
The Cup of Tea by Mary Cassatt | Fine Art Print
The Coiffure by Mary Cassatt | Fine Art Print
The Black Hat by Mary Cassatt | Fine Art Print
The Boating Party by Mary Cassatt | Fine Art Print
The Caress by Mary Cassatt | Fine Art Print